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Manually Rotating an Aerospike Log File

Log rotation is managed by systemd-journald, and in normal operations you don't have to pay attention to it. However, there are some use cases for manual file rotation, such as:

  • Free up storage space.
  • Separate debugging logs.
  • Move log files to a different location.

Follow these steps to manually rotate the log file. The following steps use /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log for the example log file.

  1. Move the existing log file to a new location, which is anywhere you want:

    mv /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log /var/log/aerospike/aerospike-old.log
  2. Find the asd (Aerospike daemon) process ID. In systemd environments use the pidof command:

    pidof asd

    The expected output is a process number, for example:


    In non-systemd environments read its pidfile:

    cat /var/run/aerospike/
  3. Send a SIGHUP to the asd process:

    kill -s SIGHUP 3513

    The following message is printed at the end of the old log file:

    SIGHUP received, rolling log

Aerospike re-creates the original log file, and only new messages appear in it.

Finding the log ID and log file location

Use asinfo to find the log IDs and log file locations:

asinfo -v "logs" -l

Expected output:


The example output shows that there is a log file at /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log, and a second logging stream directed to stderr. See Configuring Log Files for more information.