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Aerospike Daemon Management

Depending on your Linux distribution and version you will either run Aerospike on a systemd service manager (systemctl) or a System V one based on init.d.


See platform support and compatibility information on supported Linux releases.

Controlling the Aerospike daemon

The Aerospike daemon (asd) can be controlled with the following commands

  • start - The default startup mode for asd is a warm restart.
  • status
  • stop - Flushes any buffered data to namespace data storage and stops asd.
  • restart - Equivalent to running stop followed by start.
  • coldstart - Forces a cold restart. Not available through systemctl; done with a separate asd-coldstart script.
# Using systemd service manager
systemctl start aerospike
systemctl status aerospike
systemctl stop aerospike
systemctl restart aerospike

# Using System V init.d service manager
service aerospike start
service aerospike status
service aerospike stop
service aerospike restart
service aerospike coldstart

# or
/etc/init.d/aerospike start
/etc/init.d/aerospike status
/etc/init.d/aerospike stop
/etc/init.d/aerospike restart
/etc/init.d/aerospike coldstart

Service port status

To check the status of the service port, use the status info command, which will return OK when ready:

asinfo -v status

Running as root or non-root

The Aerospike daemon can be run either as root or as a non-root user.

Like all system-wide daemons on Linux, running Aerospike as root ensures that the daemon can access or set the system resources it needs: kernel parameters, ports, file systems, attached devices, and more. asd must be able to modify the following kernel parameters:

kernel.shmall = 4294967296 # 4G pages = 16TB
kernel.shmmax = 1073741824 # 1GB

net.core.rmem_max = 15728640 # (15M)
net.core.wmem_max = 8388608 # (8M)

If you are on Aerospike Database version 7.0 or later, and have an in-memory namespace, verify that your operating system can allocate enough shared memory for data storage. This would be 1/8th the data-size if you're using in-memory without storage-backed persistence, or the size of either filesize or the device size if you're using persistence.

sysctl -a | grep shmmax
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648

# If data-size is 64GiB, 2GiB shmmax is too small for the 8GiB stripes
sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=8589934592

Depending on your local system settings and user privilege levels, some or all of the commands in the following instructions may need to be run with sudo.

In addition, asd sets the maximum number of open files for the Aerospike process to 100,000 with the ulimit command. To verify that the number is set correctly, run the following command while asd is running:

cat /proc/`pgrep asd`/limits
  • The System V-style /etc/init.d/aerospike script for the Aerospike daemon must always run as root. If you are concerned about the security of giving root access to users, use sudo with the service utility to manage the daemon:
    sudo service aerospike <command>
  • A more complex alternative is to configure Aerospike itself to run as non-root. Refer to Configure Aerospike to Run as Non-root User.