
// *****************************************************************************
// Copyright 2013-2023 Aerospike, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// *****************************************************************************

'use strict'

const BasePolicy = require('./base_policy')

 * A policy affecting the behavior of scan operations.
 * @extends BasePolicy
 * @since v3.0.0
class ScanPolicy extends BasePolicy {
   * Initializes a new ScanPolicy from the provided policy values.
   * @param {Object} [props] - Policy values
  constructor (props) {
    props = props || {}

     * Specifies the replica to be consulted for the scan operation.
     * @type number
     * @see {@link module:aerospike/policy.replica} for supported policy values.
    this.replica = props.replica

     * Specifies whether a {@link
     * http://www.aerospike.com/docs/guide/durable_deletes.html|tombstone}
     * should be written in place of a record that gets deleted as a result of
     * this operation.
     * @type boolean
     * @default <code>false</code> (do not tombstone deleted records)
    this.durableDelete = props.durableDelete

     * Limit returned records per second (RPS) rate for each server. Do not
     * apply RPS limit if <code>recordsPerSecond</code> is zero.
     * Requires server >= 4.7.
     * @type number
     * @default 0
     * @since v3.14.0
    this.recordsPerSecond = props.recordsPerSecond

     * Approximate number of records to return to client. This number is
     * divided by the number of nodes involved in the scan. The actual number
     * of records returned may be less than maxRecords if node record counts
     * are small and unbalanced across nodes.
     * Requires server >= 4.9.
     * @type number
     * @default 0 (do not limit record count)
     * @since v3.16.0
    this.maxRecords = props.maxRecords

     * Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.
     * The <code>totalTimeout</code> is tracked on the client and sent to the
     * server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will
     * most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to
     * timeout the transaction.
     * If <code>totalTimeout</code> is not zero and <code>totalTimeout</code>
     * is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return
     * error {@link module:aerospike/status.ERR_TIMEOUT|ERR_TIMEOUT}.
     * If <code>totalTimeout</code> is zero, there will be no total time limit.
     * @type number
     * @default 0
     * @override
    this.totalTimeout = props.totalTimeout

module.exports = ScanPolicy