
// *****************************************************************************
// Copyright 2019-2023 Aerospike, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// *****************************************************************************

'use strict'

const as = require('bindings')('aerospike.node')
const exp = as.exp

/** @private **/
const LIST_INDEX = 0x10
/** @private **/
const LIST_RANK = 0x11
/** @private **/
const LIST_VALUE = 0x13
/** @private **/
const MAP_INDEX = 0x20
/** @private **/
const MAP_RANK = 0x21
/** @private **/
const MAP_KEY = 0x22
/** @private **/
const MAP_VALUE = 0x23
/** @private **/
const int32Max = 2147483647
/** @private **/
const int32Min = -2147483648

 * @summary Nested CDT context type.
 * @see {@link module:aerospike/lists~ListOperation#withContext|ListOperation#withContext} Adding context to list operations
 * @see {@link module:aerospike/maps~MapOperation#withContext|Map#Operation#withContext} Adding context to map operations
 * @since v3.12.0
class CdtContext {
  constructor () {
    this.items = []

   * @summary Lookup list by index offset.
   * @description If the index is negative, the resolved index starts backwards
   * from end of list. If an index is out of bounds, a parameter error will be
   * returned. Examples:
   * - 0: First item.
   * - 4: Fifth item.
   * - -1: Last item.
   * - -3: Third to last item.
   * @param {number} index - List index
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addListIndex (index) {
    if (int32Max < index) {
      throw new Error('index overflow, largest supported integer is ' + int32Max)
    } else if (int32Min > index) {
      throw new Error('index underflow, smallest supported integer is ' + int32Min)
    return this.add(LIST_INDEX, index)

   * @summary Lookup list by base list's index offset.
   * @description If the list at index offset is not found,
   * create it with the given sort order at that index offset.
   * If pad is true and the index offset is greater than the
   * bounds of the base list, nil entries will be inserted before the newly
   * created list.
   * @param {number} index - List index
   * @param {number} order - Sort order used if a list is created
   * @param {boolean} pad - Pads list entries between index and the
   * final list entry with zeros.
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addListIndexCreate (index, order, pad) {
    if (int32Max < index) {
      throw new Error('index overflow, largest supported integer is' + int32Max)
    } else if (int32Min > index) {
      throw new Error('index underflow, smallest supported integer is' + int32Min)
    if (order) {
      return this.add(LIST_INDEX | 0xc0, index)
    } else {
      if (pad) {
        return this.add(LIST_INDEX | 0x80, index)
      } else {
        return this.add(LIST_INDEX | 0x40, index)

   * @summary Lookup list by rank.
   * @description Examples:
   * - 0 = smallest value
   * - N = Nth smallest value
   * - -1 = largest value
   * @param {number} rank - List rank
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addListRank (rank) {
    if (int32Max < rank) {
      throw new Error('rank overflow, largest supported integer is' + int32Max)
    } else if (int32Min > rank) {
      throw new Error('rank underflow, smallest supported integer is' + int32Min)
    return this.add(LIST_RANK, rank)

   * @summary Lookup list by value.
   * @param {any} value - List value
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addListValue (value) {
    return this.add(LIST_VALUE, value)

   * @summary Lookup map by index offset.
   * @description If the index is negative, the resolved index starts backwards
   * from end of list. If an index is out of bounds, a parameter error will be
   * returned. Examples:
   * - 0: First item.
   * - 4: Fifth item.
   * - -1: Last item.
   * - -3: Third to last item.
   * @param {number} index - Map index
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addMapIndex (index) {
    if (int32Max < index) {
      throw new Error('index overflow, largest supported integer is' + int32Max)
    } else if (int32Min > index) {
      throw new Error('index underflow, smallest supported integer is' + int32Min)
    return this.add(MAP_INDEX, index)

   * @summary Lookup map by rank.
   * @description Examples:
   * - 0 = smallest value
   * - N = Nth smallest value
   * - -1 = largest value
   * @param {number} rank - Map rank
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addMapRank (rank) {
    if (int32Max < rank) {
      throw new Error('rank overflow, largest supported integer is' + int32Max)
    } else if (int32Min > rank) {
      throw new Error('rank underflow, smallest supported integer is' + int32Min)
    return this.add(MAP_RANK, rank)

   * @summary Lookup map by key.
   * @param {any} key - Map key
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addMapKey (key) {
    return this.add(MAP_KEY, key)

   * @summary Lookup map by base map's key. If the map at key is not found,
   * create it with the given sort order at that key.
   * @param {any} key - Map key
   * @param {number} order - Sort order used if a map is created
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addMapKeyCreate (key, order) {
    if (!order) {
      return this.add(MAP_KEY | 0x40, key)
    } else if (order === 1) {
      return this.add(MAP_KEY | 0x80, key)
    } else {
      return this.add(MAP_KEY | 0xc0, key)

   * @summary Lookup map by value.
   * @param {any} value - Map value
   * @return {CdtContext} Updated CDT context, so calls can be chained.
  addMapValue (value) {
    return this.add(MAP_VALUE, value)

  /** @private **/
  add (type, value) {
    this.items.push([type, value])
    return this

   * Retrieve expression type list/map from ctx or from type.
   * @param {CdtContext} ctx, ctx value object.
   * @param {number} type, {@link exp.type} default expression type.
   * @return {number} {@link exp.type} expression type.
  static getContextType (/* CdtContext */ctx, type) {
    if (ctx != null) {
      return ((ctx.items[ctx.items.length - 1][0] & LIST_INDEX) === 0) ? exp.type.MAP : exp.type.LIST
    return type

module.exports = CdtContext