TlsPolicy Class

TLS connection policy. Secure connections are only supported for AerospikeClient synchronous commands.

Secure connections are not supported for asynchronous commands because AsyncClient uses the best performing SocketAsyncEventArgs. Unfortunately, SocketAsyncEventArgs is not supported by the provided SslStream.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
public sealed class TlsPolicy
Object    TlsPolicy


TlsPolicy Default constructor.
TlsPolicy(TlsPolicy) Copy constructor.
TlsPolicy(String, String, String, Boolean) Constructor for TLS properties.


clientCertificates Client certificates to pass to server when server requires mutual authentication.

Default: null (Client authenticates server, but server does not authenticate client)

forLoginOnly Use TLS connections only for login authentication. All other communication with the server will be done with non-TLS connections.

Default: false (Use TLS connections for all communication with server)

protocols Allowable TLS protocols that the client can use for secure connections. Multiple protocols can be specified. Example:
TlsPolicy policy = new TlsPolicy();
policy.protocols = SslProtocols.Tls | SslProtocols.Tls11 | SslProtocols.Tls12;
Default: SslProtocols.Tls12
revokeCertificates Reject server certificates whose serial numbers match a serial number in this array.

Default: null (Do not exclude by certificate serial number)

See Also