ListOperation Class

List bin operations. Create list operations used by client operate command.

List operations support negative indexing. If the index is negative, the resolved index starts backwards from end of list. If an index is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned. If a range is partially out of bounds, the valid part of the range will be returned. Index/Range examples:

  • Index 0: First item in list.
  • Index 4: Fifth item in list.
  • Index -1: Last item in list.
  • Index -3: Third to last item in list.
  • Index 1 Count 2: Second and third items in list.
  • Index -3 Count 3: Last three items in list.
  • Index -5 Count 4: Range between fifth to last item to second to last item inclusive.

Nested CDT operations are supported by optional CTX context arguments. Examples:

  • bin = [[7,9,5],[1,2,3],[6,5,4,1]]
  • Append 11 to last list.
  • ListOperation.append("bin", Value.Get(11), CTX.listIndex(-1))
  • bin result = [[7,9,5],[1,2,3],[6,5,4,1,11]]
  • bin = {key1=[[7,9,5],[13]], key2=[[9],[2,4],[6,1,9]], key3=[[6,5]]}
  • Append 11 to lowest ranked list in map identified by "key2".
  • ListOperation.append("bin", Value.Get(11), CTX.mapKey(Value.Get("key2")), CTX.listRank(0))
  • bin result = {key1=[[7,9,5],[13]], key2=[[9],[2,4,11],[6,1,9]], key3=[[6,5]]}


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
public class ListOperation
Object    ListOperation


ListOperationInitializes a new instance of the ListOperation class


Append(String, Value, CTX) Create default list append operation. Server appends value to end of list bin. Server returns list size.
Append(ListPolicy, String, Value, CTX) Create list append operation with policy. Server appends value to list bin. Server returns list size.
AppendItems(String, IList, CTX) Create default list append items operation. Server appends each input list item to end of list bin. Server returns list size.
AppendItems(ListPolicy, String, IList, CTX) Create list append items operation with policy. Server appends each input list item to list bin. Server returns list size.
Clear Create list clear operation. Server removes all items in list bin. Server does not return a result by default.
Create Create list create operation. Server creates list at given context level. The context is allowed to be beyond list boundaries only if pad is set to true. In that case, nil list entries will be inserted to satisfy the context position.
Get Create list get operation. Server returns item at specified index in list bin.
GetByIndex Create list get by index operation. Server selects list item identified by index and returns selected data specified by returnType .
GetByIndexRange(String, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list get by index range operation. Server selects list items starting at specified index to the end of list and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByIndexRange(String, Int32, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list get by index range operation. Server selects "count" list items starting at specified index and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByRank Create list get by rank operation. Server selects list item identified by rank and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByRankRange(String, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list get by rank range operation. Server selects list items starting at specified rank to the last ranked item and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByRankRange(String, Int32, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list get by rank range operation. Server selects "count" list items starting at specified rank and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByValue Create list get by value operation. Server selects list items identified by value and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByValueList Create list get by value list operation. Server selects list items identified by values and returns selected data specified by returnType.
GetByValueRange Create list get by value range operation. Server selects list items identified by value range (valueBegin inclusive, valueEnd exclusive) If valueBegin is null, the range is less than valueEnd. If valueEnd is null, the range is greater than equal to valueBegin.

Server returns selected data specified by returnType.

GetByValueRelativeRankRange(String, Value, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list get by value relative to rank range operation. Server selects list items nearest to value and greater by relative rank. Server returns selected data specified by returnType.

Examples for ordered list [0,4,5,9,11,15]:

  • (value,rank) = [selected items]
  • (5,0) = [5,9,11,15]
  • (5,1) = [9,11,15]
  • (5,-1) = [4,5,9,11,15]
  • (3,0) = [4,5,9,11,15]
  • (3,3) = [11,15]
  • (3,-3) = [0,4,5,9,11,15]

GetByValueRelativeRankRange(String, Value, Int32, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list get by value relative to rank range operation. Server selects list items nearest to value and greater by relative rank with a count limit. Server returns selected data specified by returnType.

Examples for ordered list [0,4,5,9,11,15]:

  • (value,rank,count) = [selected items]
  • (5,0,2) = [5,9]
  • (5,1,1) = [9]
  • (5,-1,2) = [4,5]
  • (3,0,1) = [4]
  • (3,3,7) = [11,15]
  • (3,-3,2) = []

GetRange(String, Int32, CTX) Create list get range operation. Server returns items starting at index to the end of list.
GetRange(String, Int32, Int32, CTX) Create list get range operation. Server returns "count" items starting at specified index in list bin.
Increment(String, Int32, CTX) Create default list increment operation. Server increments list[index] by 1. Server returns list[index] after incrementing.
Increment(ListPolicy, String, Int32, CTX) Create list increment operation with policy. Server increments list[index] by 1. Server returns list[index] after incrementing.
Increment(String, Int32, Value, CTX) Create default list increment operation. Server increments list[index] by value. Value should be integer(IntegerValue, LongValue) or double(DoubleValue, FloatValue). Server returns list[index] after incrementing.
Increment(ListPolicy, String, Int32, Value, CTX) Create list increment operation. Server increments list[index] by value. Value should be integer(IntegerValue, LongValue) or double(DoubleValue, FloatValue). Server returns list[index] after incrementing.
Insert(String, Int32, Value, CTX) Create default list insert operation. Server inserts value to specified index of list bin. Server returns list size.
Insert(ListPolicy, String, Int32, Value, CTX) Create list insert operation with policy. Server inserts value to specified index of list bin. Server returns list size.
InsertItems(String, Int32, IList, CTX) Create default list insert items operation. Server inserts each input list item starting at specified index of list bin. Server returns list size.
InsertItems(ListPolicy, String, Int32, IList, CTX) Create list insert items operation with policy. Server inserts each input list item starting at specified index of list bin. Server returns list size.
Pop Create list pop operation. Server returns item at specified index and removes item from list bin.
PopRange(String, Int32, CTX) Create list pop range operation. Server returns items starting at specified index to the end of list and removes those items from list bin.
PopRange(String, Int32, Int32, CTX) Create list pop range operation. Server returns "count" items starting at specified index and removes items from list bin.
Remove Create list remove operation. Server removes item at specified index from list bin. Server returns number of items removed.
RemoveByIndex Create list remove operation. Server removes list item identified by index and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByIndexRange(String, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list remove operation. Server removes list items starting at specified index to the end of list and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByIndexRange(String, Int32, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list remove operation. Server removes "count" list items starting at specified index and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByRank Create list remove operation. Server removes list item identified by rank and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByRankRange(String, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list remove operation. Server removes list items starting at specified rank to the last ranked item and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByRankRange(String, Int32, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list remove operation. Server removes "count" list items starting at specified rank and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByValue Create list remove operation. Server removes list items identified by value and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByValueList Create list remove operation. Server removes list items identified by values and returns removed data specified by returnType.
RemoveByValueRange Create list remove operation. Server removes list items identified by value range (valueBegin inclusive, valueEnd exclusive). If valueBegin is null, the range is less than valueEnd. If valueEnd is null, the range is greater than equal to valueBegin.

Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

RemoveByValueRelativeRankRange(String, Value, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list remove by value relative to rank range operation. Server removes list items nearest to value and greater by relative rank. Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

Examples for ordered list [0,4,5,9,11,15]:

  • (value,rank) = [removed items]
  • (5,0) = [5,9,11,15]
  • (5,1) = [9,11,15]
  • (5,-1) = [4,5,9,11,15]
  • (3,0) = [4,5,9,11,15]
  • (3,3) = [11,15]
  • (3,-3) = [0,4,5,9,11,15]

RemoveByValueRelativeRankRange(String, Value, Int32, Int32, ListReturnType, CTX) Create list remove by value relative to rank range operation. Server removes list items nearest to value and greater by relative rank with a count limit. Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

Examples for ordered list [0,4,5,9,11,15]:

  • (value,rank,count) = [removed items]
  • (5,0,2) = [5,9]
  • (5,1,1) = [9]
  • (5,-1,2) = [4,5]
  • (3,0,1) = [4]
  • (3,3,7) = [11,15]
  • (3,-3,2) = []

RemoveRange(String, Int32, CTX) Create list remove range operation. Server removes items starting at specified index to the end of list. Server returns number of items removed.
RemoveRange(String, Int32, Int32, CTX) Create list remove range operation. Server removes "count" items starting at specified index from list bin. Server returns number of items removed.
Set(String, Int32, Value, CTX) Create list set operation. Server sets item value at specified index in list bin. Server does not return a result by default.
Set(ListPolicy, String, Int32, Value, CTX) Create list set operation with policy. Server sets item value at specified index in list bin. Server does not return a result by default.
SetOrder Create set list order operation. Server sets list order. Server returns null.
Size Create list size operation. Server returns size of list.
Sort Create list sort operation. Server sorts list according to sortFlags. Server does not return a result by default.
Trim Create list trim operation. Server removes items in list bin that do not fall into range specified by index and count range. If the range is out of bounds, then all items will be removed. Server returns list size after trim.

See Also