Info Class

Access server's info monitoring protocol.

The info protocol is a name/value pair based system, where an individual database server node is queried to determine its configuration and status. The list of supported names can be found at:


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
public class Info
Object    Info


Info(Connection) Send default empty command to server and store results. This constructor is used internally. The static request methods should be used instead.
Info(Connection, ListString) Send multiple commands to server and store results. This constructor is used internally. The static request methods should be used instead.
Info(Connection, String) Send single command to server and store results. This constructor is used internally. The static request methods should be used instead.
Info(Connection, String) Send multiple commands to server and store results. This constructor is used internally. The static request methods should be used instead.
Info(Byte, Int32, Int32) Internal constructor. Do not use.


GetNameValueParser Parse response in name/value pair format:


GetValue Return single value from response buffer.
ParseInt Convert UTF8 numeric digits to an integer. Negative integers are not supported. Input format: 1234
ParseName Parse request name, verify the name is expected and check for error message.
ParseString(Char, Char, Char) 
Request(Connection) Get all the default info from the specified database server node.
Request(IPEndPoint) Get all the default info from the specified database server node. This method does not support secure connections nor user authentication.
Request(Connection, ListString) Get many info values by name from the specified database server node.
Request(Connection, String) Get one info value by name from the specified database server node.
Request(Connection, String) Get many info values by name from the specified database server node.
Request(InfoPolicy, Node) Get default info values from the specified database server node. This method supports user authentication.
Request(IPEndPoint, String) Get one info value by name from the specified database server node. This method does not support secure connections nor user authentication.
Request(IPEndPoint, String) Get many info values by name from the specified database server node. This method does not support secure connections nor user authentication.
Request(Node, String) Get one info value by name from the specified database server node. This method supports user authentication.
Request(String, Int32) Get default info from the specified database server node, using host name and port. This method does not support user authentication.
Request(InfoPolicy, Node, String) Get one info value by name from the specified database server node. This method supports user authentication.
Request(InfoPolicy, Node, String) Get many info values by name from the specified database server node. This method supports user authentication.
Request(String, Int32, String) Get one info value by name from the specified database server node, using host name and port. This method does not support user authentication.
Request(String, Int32, String) Get many info values by name from the specified database server node, using host name and port. This method does not support user authentication.
SkipDelimiter Find next delimeter and skip over it.


See Also