ExpWriteFlags Enumeration

Expression write flags.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
public enum ExpWriteFlags


DEFAULT0 Default. Allow create or update.
CREATE_ONLY1 If bin does not exist, a new bin will be created. If bin exists, the operation will be denied. If bin exists, fail with BIN_EXISTS_ERROR when POLICY_NO_FAIL is not set.
UPDATE_ONLY2 If bin exists, the bin will be overwritten. If bin does not exist, the operation will be denied. If bin does not exist, fail with BIN_NOT_FOUND when POLICY_NO_FAIL is not set.
ALLOW_DELETE4 If expression results in nil value, then delete the bin. Otherwise, fail with OP_NOT_APPLICABLE when POLICY_NO_FAIL is not set.
POLICY_NO_FAIL8 Do not raise error if operation is denied.
EVAL_NO_FAIL16 Ignore failures caused by the expression resolving to unknown or a non-bin type.

See Also