BatchRecord Class

Batch key and record result.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
public class BatchRecord
Object    BatchRecord


BatchRecord(Key, Boolean) Initialize batch key.
BatchRecord(Key, Record, Boolean) Initialize batch key and record.
BatchRecord(Key, Record, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Error constructor.


Equals Optimized reference equality check to determine batch wire protocol repeat flag. For internal use only.
GetBatchType Return batch command type. For internal use only.
Prepare Prepare for upcoming batch call. Reset result fields because this instance might be reused. For internal use only.
SetError Set error result. For internal use only.
SetRecord Set record result. For internal use only.
Size Return wire protocol size. For internal use only.
ToString Convert to string.
(Overrides ObjectToString)


hasWrite Does this command contain a write operation. For internal use only.
inDoubt Is it possible that the write transaction may have completed even though an error occurred for this record. This may be the case when a client error occurs (like timeout) after the command was sent to the server.
key Key.
record Record result after batch command has completed. Will be null if record was not found or an error occurred. See resultCode.
resultCode Result code for this returned record. See ResultCode. If not OK, the record will be null.

See Also