PartitionFilter Properties


Begin First partition id.
Count Count of partitions.
Digest Resume after digest.
Done If using maxRecords or maxRecords, did previous paginated scans with this partition filter instance return all records?
Partitions Cursor status of each partition after scan termination. The cursor contains the last record read for each partition and is usually obtained from Partitions after a previous scan/query. This is useful for a retry of a partially completed scan/query.

If a previous scan/query returned all records specified by a PartitionFilter instance, a future scan/query using the same PartitionFilter instance will only return new records added after the last record read (in digest order) in each partition in the previous scan/query. To reset the cursor of an existing PartitionFilter instance, set Partitions to null.

The partition status is accurate for sync/async ScanPartitions and async QueryPartitions.

The partition status may not be accurate for QueryPartitions(QueryPolicy, Statement, PartitionFilter) because the last digest received is set during query parsing, but the user may not have retrieved that digest from the RecordSet yet.

Retry Indicates if the entire filter requires a retry after a failed attempt.

See Also