IAsyncClientDelete(BatchPolicy, BatchDeletePolicy, BatchRecordArrayListener, Key) Method

Asynchronously delete records for specified keys. Schedule the delete command with a channel selector and return. Another thread will process the command and send the results to the listener.

If a key is not found, the corresponding result resultCode will be KEY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.

Requires server version 6.0+


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
void Delete(
	BatchPolicy batchPolicy,
	BatchDeletePolicy deletePolicy,
	BatchRecordArrayListener listener,
	Key[] keys


batchPolicy  BatchPolicy
batch configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
deletePolicy  BatchDeletePolicy
delete configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
listener  BatchRecordArrayListener
where to send results
keys  Key
array of unique record identifiers


AerospikeExceptionif queue is full

See Also