IAerospikeClientExecute(WritePolicy, Statement, String, String, Value) Method

Apply user defined function on records that match the background query statement filter. Records are not returned to the client. This asynchronous server call will return before the command is complete. The user can optionally wait for command completion by using the returned ExecuteTask instance.


Namespace: Aerospike.Client
Assembly: AerospikeClient (in AerospikeClient.dll) Version: 7.0.1
ExecuteTask Execute(
	WritePolicy policy,
	Statement statement,
	string packageName,
	string functionName,
	params Value[] functionArgs


policy  WritePolicy
configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
statement  Statement
background query definition
packageName  String
server package where user defined function resides
functionName  String
function name
functionArgs  Value
to pass to function name, if any

Return Value



AerospikeExceptionif command fails

See Also